If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Our Customer Service Representatives will assist you!
To understand the substance of the matter, find the most efficient solution and ensure excellent customer service, and the protection of LMT interests, conversations with the LMT Infoline Customer Service Representatives will be recorded and kept for further reference. These recordings may be used during complaint review procedures and serve as evidence during dispute resolution between the LMT and our customers.
Any customer shall have a right to approach the LMT to inform about non-compliant goods or services. LMT will send a reply to written requests by the deadline indicated in the law. In all other cases LMT will reply within one month from the receipt of the claim if no investigation is required. All disputes that may arise between the LTM and a customer shall be settled by negotiation, if the respective customer has lodged a written request. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be settled pursuant to the law. In addition, the customer may rely on his or her right to approach an out-of-court settlement officer that is included in the list available on the homepage of the Consumer Rights Protection Center: ptac.gov.lv (lv), including in case of any issues related to electronic communications services contact the Public Utilities Commission: sprk.gov.lv, or to use the European SIT platform pursuant to the EU Regulation No 524/2013 with regards to goods and services purchased online: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu, whereas for personal data issues address the Data State Inspectorate.
If you would like to receive LMT offers and news, information about subscription is available HERE.
LMT may temporarily suspend the provision of its services due to force majeure until these circumstances are resolved. LMT shall not be held liable for the failure to perform its obligations or partial performance thereof due to force majeure. For the purposes of the agreement force majeure shall be circumstances that are beyond the control of LMT and that prevent it from performing its obligations, for example war, unrest, acts of terror, natural disasters, explosions and fires, strikes, unlawful acts by third parties, power supply disruptions, disruptions in electronic communications networks, bans and restrictions imposed by the national and municipal authorities, etc.
How to electronically approve an agreement at My LMT?
If you fail to approve the agreement within a week upon the receipt of the message, we will send you a reminder (e-mail and/or text message) once a week. No more than 3 reminders will be sent.
Please note that one may authorise at My LMT only through a private internet bank and the agreement may be approved only by an authorised representative or a person having the respective authorisation.
Here you can read the LMT Terms and Conditions of Remote Customer Sevice which include information about the use of LMT e-store, My LMT and the Call Centre.
1. Any stakeholder may refill LMT pre-paid call cards and Pre-paid Internet on Computer cards with a payment card.
2. To refill an LMT Karte, you have to enter the number of the card that you would like to refill and the amount that you would like to pay into the respective LMT Karte.
3. LMT Karte number used to refill the card must be activated.
4. You can choose the refill amount at your discretion. The minimum amount is 1.00 €, and the maximum – 42.69 €. During 24h no more than 42.69 € can be paid into one LMT Karte, and during one month – no more than 142.29 €.
5. Payments can be made with VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, and Visa Electron cards issued in the European Union, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway. Payments are made in EUR.
6. After the completion of a successful payment “Thank you for payment!” will appear on the screen. By checking the balance of the respective LMT Karte, you can verify that the refill transaction has been successful.
7. If you refill the card at www.lmt.lv/papildini (available only to the users of LMT Karte and only in the LMT network), you can choose to save the payment details for further refill transactions or re-enter this information every time when you refill the account. If a user of an LMT Karte decides to save his/her payment card details, this information is automatically available during the next refill transaction. Users of LMT Karte may change or delete these payment details at any moment via their handsets.
By activating www.lmt.lv/papildini in their handsets, users of LMT Karte may find out the balance of their pre-payment LMT cards, as well as their expiry and use-by dates.
When you use the services, never forget about the security of your end devices and use the lock-screen function.
8. Processing of payments and the protection of data required to complete transactions with payment cards are ensured by Worldline Latvia LLC (Reg. No.40003072814, Dzirnavu iela 37, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvia). LMT does not have access to information about your payment card. LMT only receives information about completed transactions/unsuccessful attempts followed by the refill of the indicated LMT Karte. Please wait for a message re the result of the payment. If the transaction fails due various reasons, e.g. incorrect payment card details, insufficient funds to pay for the chosen refill, suspicion about fraud, etc., the account balance refill request will be considered invalid. If you see a refusal, please contact the issuer of your card.
9. If you have any questions about the LMT Karte services, please call 80768076.
Access to interactive gambling sites unlicensed in Latvia is restricted at the request of the Lotteries and Gambling Supervision Inspection pursuant to Section 19.1.22 of the Electronic Communications Law and Cabinet Regulations No 291 “Procedure for drafting and posting of decisions of the Lotteries and Gambling Supervision Inspection on the restriction of access to interactive gambling sites unlicensed in Latvia”. The list of blocked Internet sites is available on the homepage of the Lotteries and Gambling Supervision Inspection (lv).
In order to contribute to the safety of personal equipment of LMT internet service users (hereinafter also the customer) in the internet environment (against such threats as phishing, ransomware, spam, coin miners, worms, trojans, etc.), a built-in service functionality (hereinafter also the warning functionality) alerts LMT internet service users about potentially unsafe websites. The DNS Resolver security solution used in the warning functionality prevents access to malicious and unsafe websites by redirecting the customer to a secure information page detailing the threat, thus leaving the choice of whether to visit the website to the customer (unless access to the website is denied according to statutory requirements).
Information relating to the processing of personal data
Types of connections in the LMT basic offer, which are applied in case of the termination of Corporate Customer Agreement:
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